Daycare Inspector Arrested for Kiddie Porn After His Wife Turns Him In

LEESBURG, Florida—A daycare inspector is behind bars and facing 11 counts of possessing child pornography after his wife discovered his stash and turned him in, according to an arrest affidavit.

Keith Alan Wilkins, 61, is in the Lake County Jail on $55,000 bond after the Lake County Sheriff’s Office searched his home acting on the tip from his wife. According to the affidavit, Wilkins’ wife discovered her husband pleasuring himself last month and “decided to look around,” she wrote in a statement to LCSO. She found a thumb drive containing child pornography in a drawer and found a bag in a shed containing multiple thumb drives that all stored child pornography, she stated. She gave detailed instructions on where the thumb drives could be found, according to the affidavit.

Wilkins’ wife told LCSO some of the children depicted were as young as 3 years old and she was scared to remove any of the photos because she thought Wilkins would notice. LCSO obtained a search warrant Thursday and found Wilkins at his residence on Harbor View Drive in Leesburg. Wilkins was detained on scene and LCSO found several storage devices, including one in his pocket, the affidavit states. One device contained at least 10 child pornography images and include images of ranging from infants to teenagers, according to a press release.

Wilkins, a daycare inspector, was transported to the Lake County Jail, where he is being held on $55,000 bond. “Further forensic review of the evidence collected from the home is being conducted, which will likely result in additional charges,” LCSO Lt. Jhn Herrell said in a press release.

“It’s important to note that he does not work for a daycare but works as a maintenance supervisor who is responsible for inspecting maintenance that is performed at daycare centers throughout the state,” Herrell said.

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