Man Drives Off Top Floor Of Tavares Parking Garage Monday

TAVARES, Florida—Tavares Police are investigating after a man drove off the top floor of the parking garage in downtown Tavares Monday afternoon, according to TPD Lt. Sarah Coursey. 

Around 3:30 p.m. Jewell Sartin, of Tavares, drove a Ford Mustang off the top floor and landed in a fenced in area between the parking garage and BB&T Bank. Sartin fled the scene on foot and was apprehended a short time later, Coursey told Inside Lake. He is being treated at a local hospital for his injuries. 

“The safety cables did play a role and slow the vehicle down,” Coursey said. 

Photo: Tavares Police Department

Units were still on scene at press time and a crane will have to be utilized to remove the Mustang, Coursey said. The vehicle was not reported stolen and police are investigating Sartin’s motive, Coursey said. 

Photo: Tavares Police Department
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